Angelfish Software
Self-Hosted Web Analytics for:
- Intranets & Public Websites
- SharePoint
- Web Applications
- Healthcare, Finance, Government
- Secure Environments
Angelfish is self-hosted web analytics software. You install and manage Angelfish on a server behind your firewall.
A single Angelfish instance is able to provide detailed web analytics reports for the websites and web applications in your network, both internal and external.
Angelfish is different from most web analytics solutions: it’s a log analyzer. This helps you avoid most Data Protection Laws: GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, PIPA, etc.
This also means Angelfish is able to show information you won’t see in other solutions.
For example: most visitors to your website don’t want to be tracked, and many of them block tracking.
Angelfish gets its data from access logs, which visitors can’t hide from. There’s a line (hit) in the log for each piece of content requested by a visitor.
To learn more, visit the Angelfish website and schedule a demo: Angelfish Software